


Since nursery schools don’t receive government aids, they entirely depend on voluntary donation or child sponsorship for the future of the pupils. € 100 can sponsor a child for one year. When your sponsored child has finished school, the sponsorship is transferred to the next child in need.

The difference sponsorship makes is life changing.

Sponsorship for one child per year € 100.-

This amount includes school- and sportdress, exercise books and pencils.

School sponsorship per year € 100.-

This amount includes learn materials, schoolbooks, teacher salary and food.


For donations to Gambia you have to send the money directly trough a bank – online transfer is not possible!
Please be aware of the bank charges and so kind to pay them all.

Thank you!

Benifciary Customer:
Ecobank Gambia
Account Number: 6248006184




Ingrid Grün
IBAN: AT66 2011 1285 1219 4205
Reason for payment: Sponsorship for a child or school sponsorship

Since 2014 I am helping that children get access to education in one of the poorest countries of the world, in The Gambia.
In 2018 I have met the headmaster and founder of the school Abdoulie Nyassi and went to see the school. I was very impressed by the engagement from the headmaster and his team how they managed to teach so many children in such small rooms with barely nothing.
The glowing eyes and beautiful voices from the children when they were singing have touched me very deeply and at that moment I decided to start helping this school so that these children are able to get good access to education.

I wanna THANK all of the people who help and support me and the headmaster with this very important mission we have.

– Abdoulie Nyassi –

Headmaster of Redroofs Nursery & Primary School Gambia, Bundung

But the struggle to make ends meet is not limited to the confines of the classroom. As the head teacher, I sometimes visit children in their homes and get to know more about their problems and try to find a solution. Most of their parents live in poverty and depend on earning daily. In certain instances, when their businesses do not flourish, they find it very difficult to feed their children and let them go to school because it’s too expensive for them.

Other children are eager to learn but they don’t have access to education. They turn up at the school, without being enrolled, and listen to what the other children are doing. It is heartbreaking to be unable to accommodate them all.

Contributions and sponsorship can help to give the gift of education to as many children as possible.

Every penny of the money paid by sponsors or donors goes directly to the school account and pays for teaching aids and equipment and the basic materials needed to educate and learn, salaries for teachers, watchman and cook, renovation and rent for the school.

We are always in need of school funds or sponsorship to help the children with materials like pens, pencils, games, reading books, text books, writing books, colours and toys – any donations would be so gratefully received.

If you want to sponsor a child, you will receive a sponsorship form with the picture of the child on the form so you can see the individual whose life you are helping to shape.

Your help will be forever appreciated.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.