About Us
Redroofs Nursery School is a school in Bundung Borehole in the Gambia, where many poor familys live. The school was established on the 16th of October 2014 by Mr Abdoulie Nyassi, who graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Development (E.C.D).
He started his project in an incomplete building to share his knowledge with the poor children.
– Established October 2014 –

– Abdoulie Nyassi –
Headmaster of Redroofs Nursery & Primary School Gambia, Bundung
“I am from a poor family and as such during my school days, I was sometimes sent home because my parents couldn’t always pay the school fees. It’s against this background, that I decided to come up with the initiative of helping the poor children so as to avoid them getting to experience what I did. I know how it feels.”
– together we can make it –
I started the school with just 15 pupils aged from 3 to 7 years and it was established in order to help the poor children who did not have access to education.
Back then in 2014 to 2015 the school was in an incomplete building where we had experienced a lot of difficulties but we managed to cope with them. At the end of the year however, I was given a notice to quit the building as the landlord wanted to occupy his building with his family. I hardly slept during this period with the worry of where to take the poor children and how to keep the school ongoing during these difficult times.
Good fortune smiled upon us. During the summer holiday, I met a kind gentleman whos family was renting the school ground. I shared with him my passion to provide education for the children and he was moved by the dream of helping them to build a future. He kindly agreed and gave me the chance to rent it.
During this time there was just one room and I managed to squeeze all the children into this small space. Every year, thanks to generous donations, we have been able to increase and have managed to expand the Redroofs Nursery & Primary School up to 9 classrooms.
The ground we are occupying is a rental property and our biggest dream is to buy it.
As it is mentioned in our logo: “together we can make it“.
– Abdoulie Nyassi –
“I thank you all for your valuable support towards the improvement of the school. Please continue to support us so that we can carry on with teaching our pupils as before. “